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Dick Clark #16x 1/25th custom built modified coupe
Kevin Harvick #29 1/64th 2023 Lionel Goodwrench 2001 Atlanta Win Monte Carlo
Kevin Harvick #29 1/64th 2023 Lionel Goodwrench 2001 Atlanta Win Monte Carlo. RCR Racing.
Wes Moody #63 B &M Speed Shop 1/25th custom built modified coupe
Billy ’’The Kid’’ Griffin #18 1/64th custom-built Pinto mod
Custom built asphalt modified.
Christopher Bell #20 1/64th 2023 Lionel Interstate Batteries Camo Patriotic Toyota
Christopher Bell #20 1/64th 2023 Lionel Interstate Batteries Camo Patriotic Toyota. JGR Racing.
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