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Petty Family #43 1/64th 2024 Petty FAmily 75th Anniversary Camaro
Ross Chastain #1 1/64th 2024 Lionel Kubota Camaro
Ross Chastain #1 1/64th 2024 Lionel Kubota Camaro. Trackhouse Racing.
Kade Brown #23 1/64th 2024 Lionel Val Asta/Puryear Tank Lines late model Camaro
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Dick Clark #16x 1/25th custom built modified coupe
Wes Moody #63 B &M Speed Shop 1/25th custom built modified coupe
Graeme Bolia #15 1/25th custom built modified
Bullet Bill Strosahl #15 1/25th custom built modified coupe
Dutch Hoag #18 1/25th custom built modified
Larry Catlin #88 1/25th custom built modified coupe
Jerry Cook #38 1/25th custom built diecast coupe modified
Merv Treichler #58 1/25th Custom Built Modified Coupe
Roger Treichler #74 1/25th Gor-Den coach custom built modified
Mike Loescher #88 1/25th scale custom built diecast coach
Geoff Bodine #99 1/25th scale custom built modified coupe
Al Tasnady #44 1/25th Nutmeg Cb Engineering 1937 Sedan Coach modified
Glenn Lawrence #88 1/25th custom built modified coupe
Jim Rudolph #72 1/25th custom built modified coupe
Gil Hearne #29 1/25th 2008 Nutmeg modified coupe
Dave Kneisel #711 1/25th Nutmeg coupe
Richie Evans #61 license plate/coolee/ bumper strip set
Dick Fowler #11 1/64th custom-built coupe modified
Don Diffendorf #12 1/64th Sandman custom-built coupe modified
Bullet Bill Strosahl #15 1/64th custom-built modified coupe
Dick Clark #16 1/64th custom-built coupe modified
Billy ’’The Kid’’ Griffin #18 1/64th custom-built Pinto mod
Geoff Bodine #1 1/64th Dick Armstrong custom built Pinto
Jimmy Spencer #24 1/64th custom-built Pinto modified
George Kent The Duke #26 1/64th custom-built Pinto modified
Ron Shephard #2 1/64th Elmira Heat Treat custom-built Pinto modified
Butch Harris #3A 1/64th custom-built coupe modified
Wayne Edwards #41 1/64th scale custom built modified coupe
George Kent #41 1/64th Custom-built Pinto modified
Bob Sweeney #42 1/64th custom-built coupe modified
Bentley Warren #44 1/64th custom-built modified coupe
Wayne Edwards #48 1/64th Stump Jumper custom built Pinto modified
Sonny Seamon #50 1/64th custom-built Pinto modified
Sonney Seamon #50 1/25th scale custom-built modified coupe
Sonney Seamon #50 1/64th custom-built coupe modified
Doug Hewitt #52 1/64th BR Dewitt Custom built Pinto modified
Roger Burdick #54 1/64th custom-built modified coupe
Bobby Gerhart #54 1/64th custom-built coupe modified
Richie Evans #61 1/64th Big Orange custom-built ramp truck
Maynard Troyer #6 1/64th Nagle Ford Custom-built Pinto modified
Jim Zacharias #71 1/64th scale custom built Pinto modified
Dean Hoag #77 1/64th custom-built coupe modified
Charlie Kremer #77 1/64th custom-built Pinto modified
Larry Catlin #88 1/64th custom-built coupe modified
Mike Loescher #88 1/64th custom-built Vega modified race car
Geoff Bodine #99 1/64th custom-built modified coupe
Geoff Bodine #99 1/64th custom-built Pinto modified
Don Diffendorf #S360 1/64th custom built modified coupe
Chuck Boos #9 1/64th custom-built coupe modified
Don Diffendorf #10-10 1/64th custom-built coupe modified
1965 Ford Fairlane Modified Stocker 1/25th AMT plastic model kit
Old Blue #3 BRE Racing asphalt modified 1/25th JR Salvino model car kit
1965 Chevelle Modified Stocker 1/25th AMT plastic model kit
1966 Impala Modified Stocker 1/25th AMT plastic model kit
Ridge Runner Pinto Modified 1/25th MPC plastic model kit
Groove Boss Supermodified 1/25th AMT plastic model kit
Rat Trap Vega 1/25th MPC plastic model kit
Matt Hirschman #60 asphalt modified 1/25th JR Salvino model car kit
Keith Rocco #57 KRR Racing Asphalt Modified 1/25th JR Salvino model car kit
1934 Slammer Modified Stocker 1/25th MPC plastic model kit
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