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Bobby Pierce #32 1/64th 2022 ADC Hoker Trucking World 100 dirt late model
Richie Evans #61 license plate/coolee/ bumper strip set
<p>Richie Evans #61 metal license plate, bumper sticker,can coolee </p> <p>Bundle.</p> <p>Fan Pack...
Chris Ferguson #22 1/64th 2022 ADC Live Oak dirt late model
Dick Fowler #11 1/64th custom-built coupe modified
Dutch Hoag #18 1/25th custom built modified
Custom built diecast modified coupe. One of a kind.
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Store Home > Dutch Hoag #18 1/25th custom built modified
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Custom built diecast modified coupe. One of a kind. ALLOW TWO WEEKS FOR DELIVERY! THIS CAR IS CUSTOM BUILT FOR EACH ORDER.